When I first received the email from my university saying Women In Travel cic was looking for an intern, I never knew how it could have such a major impact on my life. An impact not in just a learning sense, but an understanding of the industry and how it truly is about connections, and meeting new (wonderful) people. Through my time with Women In Travel I have had opportunities presented to me that were unthinkable, and met some of the most amazing, hard working women. The original task was to assist with the social media, and communications, for the International Women in Travel and Tourism Forum that was based in Reykjavik, Iceland January of this year.
Travel is something near and dear to my heart, and it seemed like the perfect fit. Like with any job I had an interview with Alessandra Alonso, the founder of Women In Travel, and she then later in the week offered me the internship which I proudly accepted. Working on this forum, and the content surrounding it, taught me how to reach out to businesses, founders, and directors confidently. It taught me not to be afraid to contact people, and ask questions, because if you don’t you’ll never get an answer or learn.
To my surprise Alessandra reached out to me, and asked me if the possibility arose, would I want to go to Iceland to participate in the forum and work doing live updates across social media platforms. Of course I said yes, and come January off to Iceland we went. After we came back, another project, FEAST (which is still ongoing) came to the surface and my ability to work was extended with Women In Travel cic and here I am, in May working hard and creating content for their social media networks, websites, and traditional media. I have had the ability to work alongside a public relations company, GEC PR, who are so knowledgeable and willing to help me anytime any queries arise throughout my working.
COVID19 has caused a lot of rapid changes, and adaptations to projects Women In Travel has created, but it has kept me on my toes. Working here has pushed me to work, and create, things that are new and elaborate. In the beginning I wasn’t going to go for it and apply, because I was scared. I am so thankful I didn’t let my fear take over, and I took the chance on this wonderful opportunity. I have learned so much, and continue to learn each day that I am working.
The bond that those working in the hospitality, travel, and tourism industry have is unbreakable. The support that everyone gives to each other is unlike any other. Especially being that us as women are working together for equality, the bond is even stronger. Don’t let the fear of doing something new stop you from pursuing new opportunities, because trust me in the end you’ll surprise yourself. I’ve learned that I am capable of being organised, efficient, and on top of the work given to me. This opportunity is helping me to prepare for a future, hopefully continuing within the industry. The biggest thing I have learned is take chances, because you won’t be disappointed.